We are a Spirit filled church body made up of people from all different backgrounds, who’ve been delivered from spiritual darkness and brought into God’s Marvelous light, through Jesus Christ. He is the Head of His Church and we are members of His body, who are called and anointed by Him to continue His ministry in the earth.The life and the calling of the Church is a supernatural life that begins when we say yes to Jesus Christ. The Church is not a building (although it might have one); the Church is not a program (although it might have some); and the Church is not even a tradition (although it might have some). But it is a supernatural communion and fellowship with God and with His family, through the truth of His Word and the Power of His Holy Spirit.
The life and purpose of the Church is to know God and “Make Disciples” who will fulfill His will, in our lives, our families and our generation. It’s our desire and commitment at River of Life, to do all we can to strengthen and equip every believer to follow God and fulfill His will, in their lives. Peter told us (2 Peter1:3) that “we’ve already been given all things that pertain to life and Godliness”. So, our Covenant responsibility is to believe it, receive it, and walk in it. Let’s get busy, we’ve got work to do.